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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Stop Police Brutality in Jackson, MI

Dear Pastor, Prayer Team Leaders and Community Outreach Leaders, Jackson, MI

Letter sent out-----

Dear Pastor, Prayer Team Leaders and Community Outreach Leaders,

I am writing to inform you as well as ask for prayer for a man that loves the Lord and for peace in regard to police brutality in Jackson, MI.

I believe many of our local leaders have been failing us by turning a blind eye to gross misconduct by our police departments.

Right now, a God loving Christian man is facing criminal charges for acts he did not commit. These charges have been made up to cover up the gross beating, tasing and excessive force used by the Jackson County Sheriff’s Dept.

  • They claim this citizen did not stop at a stop sign when the police car video shows he did.
  • They claim the citizen assaulted two police officers when he immediately held up his hands in the air saying “Wo, wo, wo” in attempt to settle down Deputy Scott Josephs. This deputy charged at him with a taser gun drawn then pushed him STILL while this man’s hands were in the air. The man did NOT defend himself and I believe was ‘slow to anger’. Proverbs 15:18
  • They claim he was drunk when he was not. The man’s last DUI was over 5 years ago and has since turned his life around by the grace of God’s guidance. The sheriff’s deputy lacked so much self control, he tased the man, Anthony Duval, FIVE TIMES - for 23 seconds of 50,000 volts of electricity, attacked and beat him so badly the deputy can only rely on this man’s past to help him get away with it.
  • Also based on a hospital video of this deputy, I believe he is acting suspiciously and hovering over the man’s blood sample then awkwardly retrieving something out of his pocket. This raises doubt the evidence wasn’t tampered with. This deputy knows he conducted himself against his dept’s Use of Force Policy as well as guidelines for a routine traffic stop and I believe a simple breathalyzer could have traced any alcohol in the citizen’s body.

Pastor, you might saying, “What an unfortunate time for this man,” or “I hope these trumped up charges get dropped,” or “thanks for the information…”

I believe if this could happen to this man; it could have been me, you, and anyone who happens to be on the street driving. It is frightening to me how this deputy has the duty to be peaceful, professional and trained to establish and maintain control over a traffic stop but clearly he did not. See the attached screen shots of the deputy’s behavior in only 5 seconds!

As this case is talked about more and more, the TRUTH is being heard slowly and limitedly by the Citizen Patriot. It has been troubling to me that I am seeing more and more people coming forward sharing their stories of Jackson deputies using excessive force. Even while at my hair appointment, I heard people complaining about similar abuse cases, I have talked to many people, I have read blogs, my neighbor’s son was attacked by a police officer in Jackson and still more cases unheard. I can’t say how long it’s been a problem however it is clear there seems to be an abuse of authority in Jackson and nobody is doing anything about it. This case has been said by experts to be a Rodney King case in our backyard. It is also being reviewed by the FBI in Detroit. In the King case, the officers were sentenced to 30 months in prison for their abusive actions. Please feel free to read about this case at http://tellthetruth40.blogspot.com/ and Los Angeles v. Rodney King and compare them. The similarities are enormous and the abuse in both cases from these people in authority is clearly against God’s will. This is why I am using my freewill to hopefully likeminded Believers to share with you what is going on.

In the near future, I would like to see the Jackson County Sheriff’s Dept. change their exception to the Freedom of Information Act policy that excuses them from sharing their Use of Force Policy. This policy should be readily available to any citizen that asks for it.

Another policy change should be when a citizen makes a formal complaint again deputies; the complaint should be investigated by a neutral party not a deputy from the same dept.

In conclusion, please pray for this man as he is your Christian brother for the truth to come out and he does not serve time for crimes he did not commit.  Please pray the jury to see the truth, attorney Phillip Berkemeier’s wisdom and the Circuit Court Judge to see what is really happening in Jackson and it stops. We will not back down because as Believers we know that the truth WILL set him free.

May peace be with you, yours and our community!

Kindest regards-
Pam DeVaney

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